Troy Times

October 3, 1838 

ROLLINS, MARY JANE - Died near this place on Saturday evening last, Miss Mary Jane Rollins.  In the death of this young lady, the community has met with a loss which cannot be retrieved.  Possessing a frank and candid mind; sincerity appeared a prominent characteristic in every action of life.  With an intellect of no ordinary kind, she was laying the foundation of future eminence and usefulness.  The affectionate love with which she imparted instruction to some of the rising generation, will cause her name to be remembered in coming years.  The christian spirit with which she met the pangs of the last enemy, insures to us that she now dwells-- 

"Beloved, beyond this lower sky,

Up, where eternal ages roll,

Where solid comforts never die,

But fruits immortal feast the soul."

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