Troy Times

March 16, 1848 

LOUTHAN, HENDERSON - Died - At his residence in this place on the morning of the 8th inst., Mr. Henderson Louthan, aged 28 years.  Mr. L. leaves a wife and one child to mourn their loss.  He was an official member of the Baptist Church, and was an upright and consistent Christian.  The Order of the Sons of Temperance of which he was also a member adopted the following preamble and resolution:

Whereas, it has pleased the great Patriarch above to remove a brother from us by death, and whereas it is right and proper that we publicly testify our regard for the memory of a worthy Brother and mingle our sympathies with those of his afflicted family.  Therefore

Resolved, That in the death of Bro. Henderson Louthan, the order of the Sons of Temperance has lost a faithful, consistent and worthy member, society, an industrious, upright citizen, and the church to which he belonged, an exemplary christian.

Resolved, That we will use our endeavors to console his bereaved widow and orphan, and as dire affliction has overtaken them, we will at all times "fly to succor and to save" to the uttermost of our power; and, as far as possible, to heal the wounds that death has made by this their great bereavement.

Resolved, That the R. S. be, and is hereby instructed to place this testimony of regard on the minutes of this Division, and that he furnish a copy to his widow, and other to the newspapers of the place for publication.                                     G. GOSNELL, W. P.

                                                    W. B. Locke, R. S.

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