Troy Times

September 18, 1862

WAGNER, AMELIA - Died in Troy, August 23, 1862, aged 13 yrs, 7 mo. and 15 days, Amelia, eldest daughter of M. S. and H. N. Wagner. Her last illness was protracted, though, in its approacher, it was so quiet and insidious that her friends did not apprehend a fatal result till the 12th day of July, when one half her body became paralyzed, and she was deprived of the power of speech, and rendered as helpless as an infant. From this time she never spoke to any one, though, she was doubtless sensible of the presence of friends during the greater part of her subsequent illness. On the morning of her death, her mother asked, "Do you know your mother, Amelia?" Great tears rolled from the eyes of the dying girl, but her tongue refused to speak. From this, and numerous other incidents of like character, it is evident that her powers of mind remained. A few hours before the fatal paralysis, she called for her account with the Baptist Sunday School, of which she was Treasurer, arranged her accounts, saying, give the book to the Superintendent (shall never attend any more). That it is shown that she felt that her days on earth were numbered. Amelia was a lovely child, serious, kind and cheerful; always yielding a ready obedience to parents and teachers. At the Sabbath School her seat was never vacant, and the word of life that was there and was ________ by her. At the day ___ she was always prompt and amongst the ___ in her __ beloved alike by teachers and scholars. As evidence of the _____ her teachers bore her, Miss Belle Collins, when she heard of Amelia's death, addressed a letter of condolence to her mother, filled with love for the departed one, and _______________. Amelia thought much of her Savior, and of what he has done that sinners may be brought to embrace that Gospel. In her letters to her brothers in the armies of the Union, she urged upon them the duty of immediate repentance toward God, and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, and called upon them to seek the Lord while it was yet day, ere the night of death overtake them. Her funeral was attended by numerous friends by the teachers of the Union School, and by the Troy ___________ in body attended by their Superintendent. The sermon was preached by the pastor of the Baptist Church, from the words, "These light afflictions, which are but for a moment, work out for us a far more exceeding and ___ weight of glory". Eight of her young associates standing around the coffin sung the closing hymn at the Church, and the Band of Hope sung a farewell dirge at the grave. Thus lived and thus died Amelia Wagner. The Father who gave her, called her to that "better land," which is prepared for those whose robes are made white in the blood of the Lamb; and there she shall praise Him forever.

Sister, thou was timid and lovely,

Gentle as the summer breeze,

Pleasant as the __ of evening,

When it floats among the trees.

Peaceful be they silent slumber--

Peaceful in the grave so low;

Thou no more wilt join our numbers;

Thou no more our songs shall know.

Yet again we hope to meet thee,

When the day of life is fled.

Then in heaven with joy to greet thee,

Where no farewell tear is shed.

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