Miami Union

August 23, 1873 

FOX, THOMAS P. - Obituary - Thomas P. Fox was born in Burlington county, New Jersey, February 17th, 1806 and emigrated with his father's family to Butler county, Ohio, in 1812, and in 1839 with his own family, he moved to Miami county, Ohio, where he lived until released by death, August 18th, 1873, aged 67 years and six months.  Thus being 61 years a resident of Ohio.  He saw much of that change pass upon our country which was long ago indicated by the Prophet in the following: "The wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad for them; and the desert shall rejoice and blossom as the rose."  He was much esteemed as a citizen, as was demonstrated by his neighbors in his last, short but fatal illness.  He was a kind, loving husband and father, in which relation his death is most deeply felt. He united with the M. E. Church under the ministry of Rev. Joseph Newsom in 1843, and remained an exemplary christian until congestion of the stomach and bowels terminated in death, August 18, 1873.  Thus passed away T. P. Fox, leaving an assurance that he was going to rest.                                    H. M. Currey.

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