Miami Union

April 17, 1869 

GEARHART, JOHN - On the 12th inst., in Elizabeth township in this county, John Gearhart, in the 96th year of his age.  Mr. Gearhart was born in Maryland, August 27, 1771, and was therefore five years old when the Declaration of Independence was adopted by the Continental Congress.  He remained in that State until he was twenty, when he removed to Virginia where he resided sixteen years.  He then came to what was at that time called the "far west," settling in Champaign county in this State, where he remained four years, at the end of which he came into Miami, and settled upon the place where he resided from that time until his death.  While living in Champaign county, he united with the M. E. Church, of which he continued a zealous and consistent member until the end.  Mr. Gearhart resided in this State during the war of 1812 and often heard the war-whoop of the Indians from his own home.  When peace was restored, he and others took courage and went to work to open up the country.  During the late rebellion he had a great desire to see the war ended and peace restored.  After this he gradually wore away, and appeared ready to depart, and at last, on the 12th inst., as above stated, closed his eyes in peace, and in the "triumphs of a living faith."                  G.

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