Miami Union

June 11, 1870 

MITCHELL, JUDGE M. G. - Judge M. G. Mitchell, one of the oldest citizens, and for many years one of the most prominent men of this county--but for some three or four years past a resident of Columbus--died in that city on Saturday last, in the 72nd year of his age.  He was a man of great energy, of character, and always prominent in every good work.

Tippecanoe City Herald
June 15, 1870
MITCHELL, JUDGE M. G. - At a meeting of the Vestry of the St. James Church, Piqua, Ohio, called by the Rector, on Monday evening, June 6, 1870, the following Preamble and Resolution, presented by Dr. Dorsey, were unanimously adopted.
     WHEREAS,  We have heard with deep sorrow the report of the death of our esteemed friend and Christian brother Hon. Moses Grant Mitchell, one of the founders of this church, for many years its Senior Warden, and an efficient laborer and Superintendent in the Sabbath School, therefore----
     Resolved, That by the death of Judge Mitchell our Parish has lost a valued and long-timed friend; the Diocese of Ohio an active and energetic member; the Church of Christ a steadfast supporter, and the State an upright and honest citizens.
     Resolved, That we deeply sympathize with the family of the deceased in their bereavement, while we tender to them the only consolation which can be given, that a good man has been called from a life of labor on earth to a joyful rest in heaven.
     Resolved, That the proceedings of this meeting be sent to our city and county papers, to the Ohio State Journal at Columbus, and the Standard of the Cross at Oberlin for publication, and a written copy to the family of the deceased.
                                                                                                                   Wylls Hall, Rector,
                                                                                                                   G. Volsey Dorsey, Sen Warden,
                                                                                                                   Thos. L. Daniels, Jun. Warden,
                                                                                                                   W. J. Vance, Sec'y
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