Miami Union

December 9, 1871 

WORMAN, JACOB - Mr. Jacob Worman, for many years a resident and business man of Troy, but who had resided in New York for a year past where he was engaged in business, died there on the 22nd of November.  Being a member and officer of a large coal company there at the time of his death, a meeting of the Directors was called the next day to take measures for attending his funeral and paying tribute of respect to his memory.  Mr. Webb offered the following resolution--prefacing them by some appropriate remarks--which were unanimously adopted:

 Resolved, That in the death of our esteemed and worthy President, Mr. Jacob Worman, our Company has sustained an irreparable loss, and at a time when it needed most his counsels, his experience, and his personal services.  And that we esteem it a privilege as well as duty to testify our high appreciation of his business abilities and personal honesty, and his kindness and generosity as a friend.

 Resolved, That  while we testify our own sense of loss sustained in his death, we avail ourselves of this opportunity to tender to his afflicted and distressed family and friends our sympathies; to condole with them in this hour of their affliction, and beg leave to respectfully tender our good offices in any manner which shall be most acceptable to them

 Resolved, That this board attend the funeral services which will be held at 10 a.m. on Friday at his residence Number 12, Waverly Place

 Resolved, That the Secretary of the board enter these resolutions on the record and forward a copy thereof to each member of his family.

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