Miami Union

July 14, 1910 

JONES, FRED T. - Fred T. Jones, formerly of Piqua, shot and dangerously if not fatally wounded his wife last Saturday at their home in Detroit, and then turned his revolver on himself putting a bullet in his brain from which he died within a half hour.  The trouble was caused by Jones becoming angered when he learned that his wife had sent their six-year-old daughter, Gladys, to a friend's house, fearing her husband might injure the child.  It is said that in the morning when she had attempted to go after her daughter he locked the door and would not let her out.  She rushed to the door in an attempt to get out and it was then he drew his revolver, shot her in the head and then himself.  Mrs. Jones, who was Miss Knull before her marriage, is a native of St. Paris and is 32 years old.  She first married Jones about seven years ago.  Their married life was unhappy and she sued for a divorce which he received in November, 1909.  After only a month's separation they became reconciled and were re-married at Urbana in December of the same year.  It is said they again separated while living in Cincinnati.  However in April of this year they and their child went to Detroit where Jones had a position as inspector with the Chalmers automobile company.  The news of the shooting came as a terrible shock to their relatives in Ohio.  Frank Knull, the father of Mrs. Jones, hastened to Detroit and every effort is being made to save her life although she is in a very dangerous condition.  The bullet is thought to be imbedded in the brain and if she should recover she will lose the sight of her right eye.  According to the latest news she is slowly improving but it will probably be several weeks before she can be brought back to St. Paris.  The funeral of the suicide was held Tuesday morning from the home of his mother, Mrs. Nettie R. Jones, who with his brother and sister, are residents of Piqua.  Interment was made at Fletcher.  Gladys, the innocent cause of the trouble, has been brought to Piqua and will be cared for by her grandmother.

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