(Elise Lindenberger – From a 1971 Edition of The Troy Times)

All who knew her profoundly regret the passing of Harriet Elise Lindenberger on May 20, 1971. She was one of the founders of our Society and served as our genealogist and as a director. One of the reasons for the founding of the Troy Historical Society, in fact, as to incorporate her work with that of some others. For the past dozen years Elise has been the recognized authority on Miami County genealogy and one of the half-dozen or so genealogical authorities in the Miami Valley. She compiled ancestral charts and information on about 60 or 70 Miami County families which are now on file in the Troy-Miami County Library.

Also among Elise’s accomplishments is the listing of the Revolutionary War soldiers of the Miami County and the Miami County cemeteries in which they are buried. Every one of the 60 or so cemeteries in Miami County which could be found Elise had walked over and painstakingly taken down names and dates from the headstones. She carried on a large correspondence with people from all over the United States who sought her help in locating ancestors. Many came from long distances to see her and to tramp with her through weed-choked cemeteries in quest of old headstones. She also alphabetized the names of the original land owners of Miami County.

Elise was born in Cincinnati in 1892 and graduated from the University of Cincinnati in 1915. Later, she was secretary to the dean of women there. She came to Troy in 1920 after her marriage to Dr. Norton Lindenberger. Her family, the Howlands, as well as the Lindenbergers, had come from New England. She and Dr. Lindenberger had two children, Harriet Lindenberger George and Elizabeth Lindenberger Richards. Elise was the first woman to serve on the vestry of Trinity Episcopal Church of Troy, and was editor of its weekly newsletter. In 1956 she published a history of the Church’s 125 years. Dr. Lindenberger died in 1963.

The Troy Historical Society and her many friends are the poorer for being without the stimulating conversation, remarkable memory, fine mind, and wise counsel of Harriet Elise Lindenberger.

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