Miami Union
November 20, 1880
FOSTER, JAMES - In Memoriam - Again the summons from the Unseen Land has passed our sentinels, entered our Asylum and broken the chain of brotherhood, by taking from our midst our generous, frank, and manly brother, the true and courteous Sir Knight James Foster; and while our hearts are moved with sorrow at his early going out from among us, yet we gladly remember his many noble, courageous and liberal qualities of mind and heart; and will cover with the white robe of charity whatever of faults or weakness incident to humanity may have fallen to the lot of our brother;
    And in our sorrow we will remember the dear wife and darling children of one brother in their almost infinitely greater, deeper sorrow, and beg to assure them that in all this they have the tenderest sympathy of the Knights of Coleman Commandry.  It is ordered that a copy of these words of esteem be furnished the family of our brother, and that they be spread on our minutes, and published in our city papers.
                                                                                                                        A. L. McKinney
                                                                                                                        H. Coleman, Sr.
                                                                                                                        T. M. Campbell

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