Miami Union
July 10, 1880
HAY, DANIEL - Hay Hangs Himself - A well-Known Farmer's Suicide - Daniel Hay, a well-known farmer who lived on one of the finest farms in the county, near North Clayton, Newberry Township, suicided by hanging early last Tuesday morning.  He went to his barn, climbed upon a hay ladder, and hung himself to a rafter.  He was 68 years of age, and as he was in good circumstances financially the cause of his terminating his life is somewhat of a mystery.  Mr. Hay has long been a prominent politician in the western part of the county. 

Miami Union - In Piqua Items
July 10, 1880
HAY, DANIEL - Daniel Hay, a well-known and highly respected farmer, living about six miles southwest of Piqua, committed suicide on Tuesday morning by hanging himself to a beam in his barn.  Shortly, before his death he had given directions for the day's work to his son, who in the course of an hour on going into the barn was horrified at finding his father's lifeless body.  Mr. Hay was aged about 68, was in good circumstances, and pleasantly situated, and the infirm condition of his health, is the only cause that can be assigned for the act.

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