Miami Union - In Piqua Items

March 2, 1878

WILBUR, NATHAN F. - The community was saddened this morning to learn of the death of Mr. Nathan F. Wilbur, which occurred during the night. The event was not unexpected as he had been failing for some time. Mr. Wilbur was so well known both in Troy and Piqua, in which latter city he was an old resident, that it is unnecessary to enter into details concerning him. He will be greatly missed in his profession where his ability and integrity were of the highest stamp, in the church, of which he was a faithful member and worker, and in private life an honorable gentleman. A good man has gone.


Miami Union - In Piqua Items

March 9, 1878

WILBUR, N. F. - The funeral of N. F. Wilbur on Monday was largely attended, almost all of the Miami County bar being present.

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