Miami Union
October 19, 1878
FORGY, MAGGIE - New Carlisle - Terrible and Fatal Accident - EDS. MIAMI UNION: A most terrible and sad accident, fatal in its consequences, occurred not far from our little village yesterday afternoon.  As the parties of this terrible affair are both well known in Troy, and closely related to some of your best citizens, it becomes a matter of great interest to your community.  The injured persons are Mr. Jonathan Forgy and Miss Maggie Forgy, his sister.  The circumstances are about as follows as near as we can gather them: Miss Maggie had been living for a short time in Springfield, boarding with a relative there.  Yesterday morning her brother Jonathan went to the city for her, expecting to return with her to his house in the country, about three miles east of this place, on the New Carlisle and Springfield Pike, or as it is better known, the "National Pike," and there she was to remain for a few days visiting.  He was making the journey in a spring wagon; had gone to Springfield and was returning all safely with his previous burden and had gotten nearly home, having arrived at Donnelsville.  Coming down the hill on Main Street in that village, his horse stumbled and came near falling.  In recovering its footing the horse gave a lunge forward, starting to run, and in so doing broke some portion of the harness.  In some unexplained manner this caused the wagon to run upon the edge of the side walk so violently as to capsize the loose seat, throwing the occupants with awful force to the ground.  This occurred on the right hand side of the street, consequently Miss Maggie was thrown over the body of her brother and up against the side of the brick house of Mr. Trumbo.  The fall was nearly upon the top of the head, and the weight of the body literally broke her neck; indeed, she was instantly killed, her neck not only being broken, but dislocated, and the dorsal vertebra also being fractured.  Mr. Forgy suffered a fracture of the clavicle (collar bone), and also the fracture of three ribs.  There may also be some internal injuries which are not yet known.  For a space of three hours or more he was totally unconscious.  This unconsciousness having passed off, Mr. Forgy was overwhelmed with grief to find that his sister was dead.  This is indeed a terrible calamity, and will not only be felt by a large circle of relatives, but by an entire community in town and country, who esteemed Maggie for her sweetness and kindness as well as for her beautiful face.  She was beloved by all who knew her, and this could as well be said of her in life as after death.  She leaves a large property, by whom to be shared I cannot tell.  This sad, sad accident has brought many to exclaim again and again, in the words of the old proverb: "In the midst of life, we are in death".       J. T. H.

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