Miami Union

March 24, 1877 

HAINES, HON. ABNER - A Sad Affair - Hon. Abner Haines of Eaton, representing Montgomery and Preble counties in the Ohio Senate, met a sad and sudden death at Columbus last Sunday night.  Mr. H. spent the evening till a late hour in the room of a fellow member at their boarding house, and on going thence to his own room in the same building--which he attempted to do without a light--he got slightly out of his way and fell through a defective door into the basement of the building some twelve feet, breaking his neck in the fall.  It was about 12 o'clock at night and nothing was known of the accident till morning when he was found lifeless on the basement floor.  Mr. Haines was about 73 years old.  He was a lawyer by profession and was at one time a Judge.  He was a large-hearted, liberal-minded, benevolent, enterprising and useful citizen, and was widely known in Western Ohio and Eastern Indiana, and a large circle of friends and acquaintances will be pained to hear of his tragic and sudden death.  Another part of the paper - Judge Haines, whose death at Columbus, is noticed in another part of this paper, was well known to many of Troy.

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