Miami Union

January 29, 1876 

VANCE, ANNA - Anna Vance was born on March 20, 1844.  At the age of twenty-three she became interested upon the subject of religion, and having obtained a good hope in Christ joined the Methodist Episcopal Church at Raper Chapel in the spring of 1867.  She continued in the faith and a loving and devoted member of the same Church until the great Master called her away to that better land, where "sickness and sorrow, pain and death are felt and feared no more."  She died on the morning of January 18, 1876, in the thirty-second year of her age.  The long years of her illness were borne with Christian fortitude and resignation.  A short time before her death she called her good old father and affectionate brothers and sisters to her bedside, kissed them farewell and exhorted them to live a Christian life and to meet her in heaven.  The funeral services and burial were at Raper Chapel, three miles north of Troy, on the afternoon of January 19.

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