Miami Union

October 9, 1875 

CALDER, ROBERT - Rob't Calder, who for many years has been in business in Troy, on Market street, was found dead in his bed on Monday morning last.  He had been unwell and a friend remained with him part of the previous evening, and only left at the urgent request of Mr. Calder.  He did so, little expecting the morning would find the poor old man cold in death.  "Uncle Bobby Calder, a native of Scotland, was one of those queer, quaint personages that are rare in this country, and both himself and his home would have furnished a Dickens with abundant material for a novel.  He lived entirely alone, using the second story of his building for a sleeping apartment.  Into this few were permitted to penetrate.  If there be romance in loneliness his must have been a most romantic life, for his sole companion was a faithful cat.  There is scarcely a young man or woman in or near Troy, who have not at some period of their lives, been a customer of Bobby Calder, for with school children his was the recognized depot for slate pencils, fish hooks and licorice.  Mr. Calder was a member of the Old School Presbyterian Church, and a faithful attendant up to the time of the union of the two Presbyterian Churches in Troy.  To this union he would not consent, and with true Scotch perverseness refused to be reconciled.  He was about 80 years of age.

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