Miami Union
June 12, 1875
WEATHERHEAD, CLARA - At Anna, Shelby county, Ohio, on Monday evening, June 7th, of Pathisis Pulmonalis, Clara, eldest daughter of Jacob and Elvira Weatherhead, formerly of Lostcreek township in this county, aged 22 years.  Accompanying the above came an obituary notice that would fill half a column of our paper, for which we cannot spare room.  From this notice, however, we learn that Miss W. was an amiable, lovely, and much beloved girl, a dutiful daughter, a member of the Baptist Church, an exemplary Christian, and a great favorite with her parents, brothers and sisters, and all others who knew her.  The death of such a one creates a void in the household and in the social circle that cannot be soon filled.  The surviving friends have our sympathy.

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