Miami Union - Piqua Paper

March 21, 1874 

FENNER, AGUSTUS - Died, at his residence near Frederick, in this county, on the 10th inst., Agustus Fenner, in his 71st year.  He has resided on his farm where he died since 1825.  He was a son of the late Judge James Fenner, who was a prominent citizen of Miami Co. from 1819 until his death in 1852.  Agustus Fenner was born in Rhode Island in 1804, and moved with his parents to Greene Co., O. in 1817, and in 1819 removed with his parents to a farm near West Milton, Miami Co.  He was conspicuous in all the affairs of his neighborhood that tended to promote the interest of his fellow citizens, aiding liberally with his means and earnestly with his influence.  He was what is called a valuable man in his community, and was honored by the citizens of Miami county to a seat in the Legislature in 1850 and 1851.  At the time of his death he was deputy for the Patrons of Husbandry for Miami Co.  His funeral took place on Thursday, the 12th inst., at the Monroe Church.  He was an elder in the Church of Christ.  His whole life was consistent with his profession.  His private, public, and christian character was above reproach, he was evidenced by the large concourse of people who assembled to pay their last respects to one they loved.  The funeral exercises were conducted by Eld. G. W. Hill, of Wood Co., O., assisted by Eld. Dennis, of Dayton, and Eld. J. M. Smith, of Beamsville, Darke Co., O.  Text: John, 11th chapter, 26th verse.                   G. W. H.

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