Miami Union

August 5, 1871 

HENNE, SON OF JOSEPH - On Saturday evening last as the 7 o'clock down freight train on the D. & M. railroad was switching here for the purpose of allowing the upward-bound passenger train to pass, a little son of Mr. Joseph Henne, (who resides near the depot) who was riding on one of the cars slipped and fell under the train and was instantly killed.  His body was shockingly mutilated.  The boy was some seven or eight years old, and was a bright little fellow and the pet of the family.  The agony of the parents on finding their little one thus crushed to death can be imagined, but not described.

Stillwater Valley Gazette

August 10, 1871

HENNE, SON OF JOSEPH - A little son of Joseph Henne, Troy, was run over by the train on the D. & M. railway, on the 29th ult., and instantly killed. He fell from a car on which he was "getting a ride".

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