Miami Union - In Piqua Items

August 19, 1871 

FRYE, GEORGE B. - A forty years resident of Piqua, and one of its most intelligent and eccentric citizens, died on Monday evening last, after a painful illness of several months.  He was a native of Salem, Massachusetts, and a printer in early life, but gave the business up for other pursuits on coming west.  He possessed a genial disposition and excellent business qualifications.  He was a son-in-law of the late General Robt. Young, and leaves a wife and four children.

Stillwater Valley Gazette

August 24, 1871

FRYE, GEORGE B. - George B. Frye, a resident of Piqua for 40 years, died in that city, on Monday, 14th instant, after a painful illness of long duration.

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