Stillwater Valley Gazette

November 10, 1870

CURTNER, S. RICHARD - Fatal Accident - On Tuesday afternoon, about four o'clock, a young man, names S. Richard Curtner, whose father lives near Singer's still house, met with a terrible and fatal accident. He was driving Singer's big team, with a cord and a half of wood on the wagon and on descending the hill just out of town on the Newton Pike, he was in some way thrown from the load down upon the double-tree. The team ran some distance still dragging him, and were stopped with difficulty, by running them into a fence corner. The mangled and lifeless remains of the young man were then almost literally dug out of the jam. His head was terribly crushed, and his body badly bruised. His death must have been almost instantaneous. His funeral was held at the Christian Church on Wednesday afternoon, and his remains were followed to the grave by the firemen of the town, led by their Cornet Band.--Troy Times

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