Troy Times

August 22, 1868

HUSTLER, GEORGE WALTER - On Tuesday, August 18th, George Walter--only son of George W. and Mary Hustler--aged two years and six months. Some three weeks previous he had fallen from the porch of the house, and it is supposed that the injuries he received caused his death. He was very intelligent and affectionate, and was loved perhaps too dearly by his fond parents. But a few minutes previous to his death, he called his parents to his bedside, and entwining his arms around them, sank quietly into the sleep that knows no waking.

"Ye weep, and it is well
For tears befit earth's parting!--Yesterday
Song was upon the lips of this pale clay,
And something seemed to dwell
Where'er he moved--the welcome and the blessed!
--Now gavel and bear the silent unto rest!
"How may the mother's heart
Dwell on her son, and dare to hope again?
The spring's rich promise hath been given in vain,
The lovely must depart!
I'm not gone, one brightest son, one best?
Come near! and bear the early called to rest."

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