Marriage Record Notices from Miami Union Newspapers of 1863

Keep in mind the date following the article is the date of the newspaper announcement

Thanks to Jeannine Friend for taking the announcements from the newspaper and typing them up.

BELLAW, A. W. - On Thursday, May 14th, by Rev. J. J. Thompson, Mr. A. W. Bellaw, to Miss Mary A. Stafford, both of Troy.  May these two morning clouds tinged by the rising sun, move smoothly on the path way of life to the serene sunset of age.  May 14, 1863

BERTSCH, ANNA MAGDALENA - On the 3rd inst., by Rev. J. Hinderer, Mr. John Lichinger, to Miss Anna Magdalena Bertsch, of this place.  September 10, 1863

BUTTERFIELD, SAMANTHA J. - In Troy, on the 5th inst, by R. H. Culbertson, Esq., Mr. John W. Schilling to Miss Samantha J. Butterfield, both of Newberry Township.  June 11, 1863

CLINGHAM, MARY - Nov. 10th, by Rev. T. Collett, Mr. Jacob Fisher, of Dayton, to Miss Mary Clingham, of Troy.  November 12, 1863

COLLINS, GEORGE W. - On Thursday, Feb. 3, by Rev. J. J. Thompson, Geo. W. Collins to Miss Louisa Green, all of Miami County, Ohio.  February 12, 1863

COLLINS, MARY - At the residence of the bride's father, on April 8th, 1863 by Rev. R. T. Drake, J. Fowler Linn, of Piqua, to Miss Mary Collins, of Troy, O.  April 16, 1863

COLLINS, OSCAR - On the 7th inst., by H. J. Pettit, Esq., Mr. Oscar Collins, to Miss Susan Frakes.  April 16, 1863

CORY, HENRY H. - On the 25th of January, at the home of the bride, by Rev. Wm. Lock, Jr., Mr. Henry H. Cory, of New Carlisle, and Miss Sallie R. Drury, of Tippecanoe.  February 12, 1863

CREAGER, MICHAEL J. - At the American House, Columbus, Ohio, on the 22d inst., by the Rev. O. Allen, Mr. M. J. Creager to Miss Mollie C. Thomas, both of Miami County.  October 8, 1863

CUSHING, WILLIAM R. - On Tuesday, Feb. 10, by Rev. J. J. Thompson, at the residence of the bride's father, W. R. Cushing, to Miss Martha A. Peterson, all of Miami county, Ohio.  February 12, 1863

DAILY, WM. (WILLIAM) ISAAC - On the 16th of Nov., at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. Mr. Augustine, Mr. Wm. Isaac Daily to Miss Prila E., eldest daughter of Solomon and D. L. Karns; all of Troy.  December 3, 1863

DRAKE, ROBERT S. - On Thursday evening, 27th inst., at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. John J. Thompson, Robt. S. Drake of the U. S. army to Miss Jennie Hart Mackey, of Troy, Ohio. Thanks for the liberal supply of good things. Our best wishes attend the young couple.  September 23, 1863

DRURY, SALLIE R. - On the 25th of January, at the home of the bride, by Rev. Wm. Lock, Jr., Mr. Henry H. Cory, of New Carlisle, and Miss Sallie R. Drury, of Tippecanoe.  February 12, 1863

DUNLAP, ELIZABETH - On Thursday, 25th inst., at the residence of W. Dunlap, Esq., by Rev. J. J. Thompson, Robert W. Murphy to Miss Elizabeth Dunlap.  June 25, 1863

FISHER, JACOB M. - Nov. 10th, by Rev. T. Collett, Mr. Jacob Fisher, of Dayton, to Miss Mary Clingham, of Troy.  November 12, 1863

FRAKES, SUSAN - On the 7th inst., by H. J. Pettit, Esq., Mr. Oscar Collins, to Miss Susan Frakes.  April 16, 1863

GANES, LOUISA - On Saturday evening, 11th inst., by Rev. J. J. Thompson, John B. Sutherland to Miss Louisa Ganes, all of Troy, O.  July 16, 1863

GILMAN, NAOMI - On the 27th inst., by Rev. T. P. Childs, Mr. Thomas C. Thompson, of Hamilton Co., to Miss Naomi Gilman, of Miami Co.  October 22, 1863

GREEN, LOUISA - On Thursday, Feb. 3, by Rev. J. J. Thompson, Geo. W. Collins, to Miss Louisa Green, all of Miami County, Ohio.  February 12, 1863

GRUBB, JACOB - On the 25th inst., by Rev. J. Hinderer, Mr. Jacob Grubb and Miss Mary Neese, both of this county.  August 27, 1863

HATHAWAY, MARY E. - In Troy, on the 24th inst., by Rev. W. M. Cheever, John Ullery to Mary E. Hathaway.  December 31, 1863

HENLEIN, MRS. MARGARET - On the 17th inst., by Rev. J. Hinderer, Mr. George Neth to Mrs. Margaret Henlein, both of Covington.  October 1, 1863

HOLLIS, FANNY C. - At Ft. Heimen, Ky., on the 4th inst., by Chaplain A. L. McKinney, John W. Moody, Capt. of Co. G, 71st O. V. I., to Miss Fanny C. Hollis.  March 26, 1863

JENKINS, ISAAC - By Rev. P. Banta, June 17th, Isaac Jenkins to Mrs. Rebecca Saylor, both of Miami County.  June 25, 1863

KARNS, PRILA E. - On the 16th of Nov., at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. Mr. Augustine, Mr. Wm. Isaac Daily to Miss Prila E, eldest daughter of Solomon and D. L. Karns; all of Troy.  December 3, 1863

LANDRY, HETTY - At the house of Peter Landry, in Staunton Township, Miami County, on the 29th day of April, 1863, by Jacob Knoop, J. P., Mr. John McMillan and Miss Hetty Landry, all of Miami County, Ohio.  April 30, 1863

LEAPLY, JAMES F. - In Troy, on the 24th inst., by Rev. W. M. Cheever, James F. Leaply to Eliza Ann Moses.  December 31, 1863

LICHINGER, JOHN - On the 3rd inst., by Rev. J. Hinderer, Mr. John Lichinger, to Miss Anna Magdalena Bertsch, of this place.  September 10, 1863

LINN, J. FOWLER - At the residence of the bride's father, on April 8th, 1863 by Rev. R. T. Drake, J. Fowler Linn, of Piqua, to Miss Mary Collins, of Troy, O. April 16, 1863

LOEB, PETER - On the 18th of March, by Rev. J. Hinderer, Mr. Peter Loeb to Miss Caroline Semantha Woodman, both of Dayton.  April 2, 1863

MACKEY, JENNIE HART - On Thursday evening, 27th inst., at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. John J. Thompson, Robt. S. Drake of the U. S. army to Miss Jennie Hart Mackey, of Troy, Ohio. Thanks for the liberal supply of good things. Our best wishes attend the young couple.  September 23, 1863

MALCOM, ANNA - On the 24th of Nov., at the Methodist Parsonage, by Rev. T. Collett, Mr. William F. Smith to Miss Anna Malcom; both of this county.  December 3, 1863

McMILLAN, JOHN - At the house of Peter Landry, in Staunton Township, Miami County, on the 29th day of April, 1863 by Jacob Knoop, J. P., Mr. John McMillan and Miss Hetty Landry, all of Miami County, Ohio.  April 30, 1863

MOODY, JOHN W. - At Ft. Heimen, Ky., on th 4th inst., by Chaplain A. L. McKinney, John W. Moody, Capt. of Co. G, 71st O. V. I., to Miss Fanny C. Hollis.  March 26, 1863

MOSES, ELIZA ANN - In Troy, on the 24th inst., by Rev. W. M. Cheever, James F. Leaply to Eliza Ann Moses.  December 31, 1863

MURPHY, ROBERT W. - On Thursday, 25th inst., at the residence of W. Dunlap, Esq., by Rev. J. J. Thompson, Robert W. Murphy to Miss Elizabeth Dunlap.  June 25, 1863

NACE, WARREN J. - At Tippecanoe, by E. T. Shields, on the 13th day of April 1863, Warren J. Nace to Miss Lidia Walters.  April 16, 1863

NEESE, MARY - On the 25th inst., by Rev. J. Hinderer, Mr. Jacob Grubb and Miss Mary Neese, both of this county.  August 27, 1863

NETH, GEORGE - On the 17th inst., by Rev. J. Hinderer, Mr. George Neth to Mrs. Margaret Henlein, both of Covington.  October 1, 1863

PETERSON, MARTHA ANN - On Thursday, Feb. 10, by Rev. J. J. Thompson, at the residence of the bride's father, W. R. Cushing, to Miss Martha A. Peterson, all of Miami county, Ohio.  February 12, 1863

RECK, WILLIAM - On Thursday morning, Aug. 27, in Troy, O., by Rev. J. J. Thompson, William Reck of Gettysburg, Ohio, to Mrs. Sarah Whitmore of Troy.  September 23, 1863

SAYLOR, MRS. REBECCA - By Rev. P. Banta, June 17th, Isaac Jenkins to Mrs. Rebecca Saylor, both of Miami County.  June 25, 1863

SCHILLING, JOHN W. - In Troy, on the 5th inst., by R. H. Culbertson, Esq., Mr. John W. Schilling to Miss Samantha J. Butterfield, both of Newberry Township.  June 11, 1863

SHIPLEY, FRANCIS M. - December 24th, by Rev. Thomas Collett, Mr. Francis M. Shipley of Richmond, Ind. to Miss Sallie Williard of Miami Co.  December 31, 1863

SMITH, WILLIAM F. - On the 24th of Nov., at the Methodist Parsonage, by Rev. T. Collett, Mr. William F. Smith to Miss Anna Malcom; both of this county.  December 3, 1863

STAFFORD, MARY A. - On Thursday, May 14th, by Rev. J. J. Thompson, Mr. A. W. Bellaw, to Miss Mary A. Stafford, both of Troy.  May these two morning clouds tinged by the rising sun, move smoothly on the path way of life to the serene sunset of age.  May 14, 1863

SUTHERLAND, JOHN B. - On Saturday evening, 11th inst., by Rev. J. J. Thompson, John B. Sutherland to Miss Louisa Ganes, all of Troy, O.  July 16, 1863

THOMAS, MOLLIE C. - At the American House, Columbus, Ohio, on the 22d inst., by the Rev. O. Allen, Mr. M. J. Creager to Miss Mollie C. Thomas, both of Miami County.  October 8, 1863

THOMPSON, THOMAS C. - On the 27th inst., by Rev. T. P. Childs, Mr. Thomas C. Thompson, of Hamilton Co., to Miss Naomi Gilman, of Miami Co.  October 22, 1863

ULLERY, JOHN - In Troy, on the 24th inst., by Rev. W. M. Cheever, John Ullery to Mary E. Hathaway.  December 31, 1863

WALTERS, LIDIA - At Tippecanoe, by E. T. Shields, on the 13th day of April 1863, Warren J. Nace, to Miss Lidia Walters.  April 16, 1863

WHITMORE, MRS. SARAH - On Thursday morning, Aug. 27, in Troy, O., by Rev. J. J. Thompson, William Reck of Gettysburg, Ohio, to Mrs. Sarah Whitmore of Troy.  September 23, 1863

WILLIARD, SALLIE - December 24th, by Rev. Thomas Collett, Mr. Francis M. Shipley of Richmond, Ind., to Miss Sallie Williard of Miami Co.  December 31, 1863

WOODMAN, CAROLINE SEMANTHA - On the 18th of March, by Rev. J. Hinderer, Mr. Peter Loeb to Miss Caroline Semantha Woodman, both of Dayton.  April 2, 1863

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