Miami County, Ohio Genealogical Researchers -- Sponsored by the Computerized Heritage Association

      The History of
      From the 1880 History of Miami County Ohio

    At the close of the eighteenth century , and prior to the year 1807, this township formed a part of the extensive territory then known as Elizabeth, which is accurately located in the history of Elizabeth Township.  At the first meeting of the Commissioners, the county was divided into five townships, of which Bethel was the first, and bounded as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of the county, thence west with the county line to the Great Miami River, thence up the said river to the line between the ninth and tenth ranges, thence east with a line to the county line, thence south with the county line to the place of beginning.  This has remained unchanged.

    The land is quite rolling, all portions of the township being dotted by numerous hills. The soil, assisted by numberless streams, which owe their existence to the many springs, is rich, deep and productive, equaling any other section of country in the State. These advantages, together with the picturesque aspect, presumably induced the permanent settlement of the early pioneer. The land was not exempt from the almost impenetrable forests, and the first years of the settlers were devoted almost exclusively to "clearing." That this process was tedious will be admitted, when we state, upon the authority of an old resident, that, up to 1820, not more than ten acres were cultivated by any one settler in the township. But as time rolled on, it wrought its changes, and at this writing, wood is becoming a scarcity, and many citizens are using coal for fuel.


    The introduction of slavery to American soil dates back to 1620, at which time a Dutch ship brought to Jamestown twenty Africans, who were sold to the colonists. Year after year, this inhuman traffic became more general, and in 1784, slavery existed in all of the Southern States. Even at this early date, a violent opposition to this system was manifested, but the oppressors were in a majority, and prospered without interruption. Many of those who condemned it severely, but were powerless to prevent it, sought new homes in the Northwest. Among these was Thomas Stockstill, a Tennessean, whose father was a wealthy slaveholder. Though enjoying a life of luxury and ease, Thomas formed a violent dislike to his sire's mode of accumulating wealth, and finally resolved to quit the parental roof forever. He was but sixteen years of age, and unused to the trials and privations destined to attend him in a new country; but the noble lad never wavered. The daily scenes of inhuman treatment to which the slaves were subjected ,could be endured no longer. He bade farewell to his native soil, mounted an old plug of a horse, and traveled in the direction of Fort Washington, now known as Cincinnati. His entire outfit consisted of the clothes he wore, one broadax, three chisels and two or three thumb gimlets. With these tools he supported himself, performing odd jobs of carpentering on the road. Somewhere in Kentucky he roofed a barn, using wooden pins for nails, there were no nails in those days drilling the holes with a thumb gimlet. This kept him busy for some time, and when the work was finished, he continued his journey with more celerity, his financial condition having been somewhat improved. On his arrival at Fort Washington, the owner of one of the six cabins that constituted the fort offered to trade the same for his horse. Stockstill, being ignorant of the glorious future in store for the site of the Queen City of the West, rejected the offer. He remained here for a short time, and, finally, after encountering many difficulties, found a haven of rest in the cabin of a man named Hain, who lived in the extreme southwest corner of what is now known as Clarke County. This was in 1796. In the following year, he married Hain's daughter, Catherine, and settled on the land now owned by his son, J. L. Stockstill, in the northeast corner of this township. This was the first settlement made in the township, and one of the first in the county.

    David H. Morris, Sr., was born in New Jersey, and participated in the Revolutionary war. He afterward went to Cincinnati, where he was detailed assistant surveyor. While traveling through this county, he was favorably impressed by the apparent fertility of the soil, and subsequently located in Section 23., in this township. The land is yet in the possession of his grandsons. At the beginning of the nineteenth century, Robert and John H. Crawford came from Pennsylvania and settled here. These men held important positions in the young days of this county. They are prominently mentioned in the general history of the county.

    Samuel Morrison, a relative of the Crawfords, came from Pennsylvania at an early day. Mordecai Mendenhall, another old pioneer, settled on Section 24, and lived there for nearly half a century. John Ross settled here in 1810; his son, we believe, still occupies the " home farm." Daniel Agenbrood, was born in Maryland, whence he came to Dayton, and, upon leaving there, came to Bethel and settled on the southwest corner of Section 28. Here he built a log cabin. which has since been weather-boarded, and is yet standing. James Fergus came from Virginia. He represented Miami in the Legislature, and was universally esteemed.

    Phillip and Jacob Sailor settled upon Indian Creek in 1800, pursuing agricultural pursuits. David Puterbaugh came to Ohio in 1809, settled here in 1813. His wife is still living at the advanced age of eighty-four years, and apparently enjoying good health.

    John Clayton, a son of the Emerald Isle, crossed the waters of the Atlantic in the closing days of the eighteenth century. He was a soldier in the war of 1812, and at its close purchased a farm upon which he quietly passed his days.

    William Ellis squatted on Section 22, but soon changed his home for one west of the river. He was a Kentuckian by birth, and, like Thomas Stockstill, left his native soil because her authorities permitted the barter and sale of human lives. He went to Loramie's in 1835 and there died.

    David, John, and Abraham Studebaker immigrated to Bethel Township from Maryland. They invested largely in land, and their descendants are at the present time in possession of some of the finest farms in the county.

    John Newcomb, with his brother Daniel. came from Scotland. After stopping at various places, they arrived here in 1814, and purchased what is now known as West Charleston.


    The early pioneers of this township were not excepted from the privations surrounding the settlement of a new country. As a greater portion of Bethel is rolling, and traversed by streams of refreshing waters, the inhabitants were in a salubrious condition. The northeastern corner, however, is low and marshy. At that time no system of drainage existed water stood at one place during the entire year, and its foul stench produced much sickness. People were attacked by the fever and ague, scarlet and typhoid fevers and similar diseases. The occasional physician examined the patient, introduced the lance, forbade the use of cold water, prescribed pounds of calomel, shook his head and departed. Result--many of the patients died, some of them for the want of a cooling drink of water. The pioneer was discouraged those who survived in the fall knew not whether they should live through the coming summer and made no preparations on their lands. Thomas Stockstill, a carpenter by occupation, devoted much time to making rough coffins and burying the dead, and, with that charity and good nature which was a characteristic part of his nature, refused all compensation from the poor and needy. In after years, a complete system of drainage was introduced, the angel of death departed, and marshes and swamps gave way to fields of golden grain.

    The wild beasts of the forests, and the wolves particularly, waged a continual warfare against the few domestic animals owned by the settlers. These beasts came to their very doors, at one time, wolves carried off a hog belonging to Stockstill, which produced a marked advance in the price of pork-in that family. The corn crop was destroyed by the squirrels, who visited the fields in great numbers.


    During the Indian hostilities, our forefathers were subjected to daily peril. Many of them participated in the war of 1812 ; some of them were compelled to leave home and remain on active duty for six months, thus leaving their families unprotected. At this time, a poor man with wife and several children, asked leave to build a cabin on the tract owned by Stockstill, who, being ever ready to assist those less fortunate than himself, readily granted the request, and enjoined the petitioner to cultivate the land and earn a living, This man (name unknown) also took up arms against the Indians. The cabins of both families were in sight of each other, and both families were unprotected. On a certain afternoon, it was reported that the red men would arrive in the settlement that evening and attack the cabins, This produced great fear among the almost helpless women. As night began to approach, Mrs. Stockstill barricaded the cabin door as best she could, put the children to sleep, and, ax in hand, stationed herself behind the door, fully determined to sell her life dearly. Some time during the evening, she heard the cry of murder proceeding from the direction of the neighboring cabin. The cry was repeated several times, and then all was hushed to sleepy silence. The poor woman concluded that her neighbor had been murdered by the savages, and expected to hear them approach her cabin at each moment. The moments flew by, but no one came; wearily and anxiously she passed through the long hours of the night, but no Indians appeared. At last, the morning began to dawn. Looking out cautiously, she discovered that no one was in sight, and concluded that her cabin had been overlooked by the redskins. Further investigation disclosed the fact that the neighboring cabin remained untouched. A woman was seen before it performing the usual household work. The cry of murder during the night, impressed upon Mrs. Stockstill the supposition that her neighbor had been killed, and she could not account for the presence of the mysterious stranger who seemed to be "making herself at home." Curiosity conquered prudence. She hurried to the cabin, and, to her great joy, discovered in the woman, her friend and neighbor, who, with her children was alive and well. Upon inquiry, she ascertained that the large dog belonging to the family, had jumped over an enclosure near the cabin, which was seen by the lady, who imagined that it was the form of an Indian; hence the cry of murder.

    Among the defenseless residents of the humble cabin, the common mode of warfare was as follows When Indians were approaching, the doors were securely fastened, but were often broken open by the savages; Upon entering, they were met by the ax in the hands of the wife, who was supported by a huge cudgel in the hands of her husband. Thus were they kept at bay. Again, should they make an attempt to come down the chimney, the fireplace was filled with feathers, which were lighted. The smoke stupefied the descending Indian, and, upon falling to the ground, he was instantly dispatched.

    From Mr. S. L. Stockstill was obtained this curious incident: "During a time of Indian hostility, a white girl named Hacker was attacked by them and seriously wounded. She was relieved of her scalp and left for dead. She recovered, and in due time a second crop of beautiful hair grew upon her head. She afterward married and raised a family." With the passing of time, peace returned, the Indian removing toward the Great West. The descendants of Thomas Stockstill, and David H. Morris still point to portion of their farms where at one time were pitched the tents of the red men.


    All kinds of game abounded in the forests. The hunters killed large numbers of squirrels, turkeys, pheasants, etc. Wolves, bears and panthers were frequently encountered. It is related that David H. Morris, Sr., killed three panthers in one morning. This sturdy old pioneer was very fond of hunting. He required his boys to practice shooting, daily; when their record was poor, a general boxing of the ears was the result. Ammunition, though in active demand, was expensive and difficult to obtain. To obviate all embarrassment, it became customary for every pioneer to manufacture his own powder. In after years, when this indispensable article could be obtained at a nominal figure, the old custom was abolished.


    The first mill was erected by one Teller, and called an ox mill, i.e., power was furnished by a large wheel, about thirty feet in circumference, which was trod by oxen. Mordecai Mendenhall erected a mill in early times-the exact date could not be ascertained. In 1815, a mill was built on the mouth of Honey Creek by David Staley.  This mill enjoyed an extensive trade; people from all directions flocking to the mill night and day.  It was operated by the Staley's until 1831, when it fell into the hands of Daniel Babb, who operated it for many years.  This gentleman established a store in its immediate vicinity for the accommodation of those who had their grain ground at his mill.  In addition, to this, he erected cooper and blacksmith shops.  The various inhabitants formed quite a settlement, which was called Babbtown, in honor of its founder.  On account of old age, Mr. Babb was compelled to cease running the mill in 1873, and since that time it has been idle.  The location being a good one, however, the day may not be far distant when active work will be resumed.  The shops and store have long been closed, and the former greatness of Babbtown exists in memory only.  Simultaneously with the erection of the "Staley Mill" was constructed the Crawford Mill, which was rebuilt, in 1838, by one Cable.  Corey's mill, on Honey Creek, was built prior to 1811.  David Smith built upon the site of this old mill in 1835.  A man named Earhart had a saw-mill on Honey Creek, in 1832, and a few years after, John Brier erected a saw and hominy mill on the same stream.  The first steam saw-mill was put up, in 1840, in the village of Brandt.  At present it is owned by Albert Black. In 1862, another mill of this character was put up, below Charleston, and is now in a flourishing condition.

    Many distilleries prevailed in pioneer times, and many families did their own stilling as well as their own tanning.  Henry Atkins established the first custom distillery in 1808, although Jacob Rudy manufactured liquor from corn, in a small establishment on Spring Branch, as early as 1806.  James Stafford put up the first steam distillery on Lake Branch, in 1830.  The site is now owned by Gustave Allen. At present there is not a "whisky shop" in the township.  James Ferguson was one of the first tanners.  He kept a small shop, built "in the bush" north of the present site of Charleston.  He was also a shoemaker.


    That our forefathers were a pious, church going people will never be forgotten by this and the coming generation. For six days they labored diligently from early morn till late at night, but on the Sabbath Day, the Divine command, "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy," was never violated.  At the close of the eighteenth century, when the settlers in this township were few and far between, no opportunities for holding the general  church services of the present day were afforded.  Instead, was the family service of reading the Scriptures and commenting thereon, interspersed with song and prayer.  A few years later, these services were held alternately at the different cabins of the pioneer.  In 1807, the first society was formed by the Methodists, at the house of Rafe Stafford, on Indian Creek.  Rev. Joseph Tatman was the officiating minister.  Thomas Stockstill was one of the first Class Leaders and Stewards of this organization.  In 1810 or 1811, the society built a frame structure, which was called Palmer's Chapel, and served its purpose until 1830, when the brick building still standing was erected. By this time the membership  had increased with the population of the county, and the building was crowded with eager listeners, who came from far and near, to hear Rev. William H. Raper preach the dedicatory sermon.  The year 1820 marked the putting up of the first stove in old church.  Meetings are held here each alternate Sabbath. Palmer's Chapel is embraced in the Brandt Circuit, of which Rev. N. H. Prince is the Pastor.  This church is situated on the extreme northeastern corner of the township.

    Pisgah Methodist Episcopal Church - The first church building erected by this society was a log, built on the ground presented by David H. Morris, Sr., who also assisted in its construction.  This was in 1825.  William H. Raper, James Finley and David Dyke were among the early ministers of this church. In 1850, the present brick was erected on the site of the old building.  The society is not in a very flourishing condition just now.  Services every alternate Sabbath, by Rev. Prince, of the Brandt Circuit.  A Sabbath school is held every summer.

    Harrison's Methodist Episcopal Chapel (Brandt)- The organization of this church was effected in 1839.  In 1854, the present building was erected, mainly through the untiring efforts of  Rev. Harrison, from whom it derived its name.  It was dedicated by Rev. Granville Moody. Services are conducted by Rev. Prince on the evenings of each alternate Sabbath.  Prior to the completion of the present building, a Sunday school was organized by John Boswell, who probably was the first Superintendent.  At that time, the membership was about seventy-five; now it has decreased to fifty.  Meet every alternate Sabbath.  Albert Black, superintendent.

    The Lutheran Church of Brandt - Was organized in 1862, with twenty members.  Meetings were held in the Methodist Episcopal Church, and conducted by Rev. Myers.  In 1869, a beautiful frame structure, 34 x 54, was built, and dedicated February 27, 1870, by Rev. George Ort.  The number of members at that time was seventy-five, which has increased to 150.  Rev. J. C. Zimmerman, Pastor.  The Sunday school was re-organized in May, 1870, with fifth members.  Perry French was elected Superintendent.  The school has prospered satisfactorily, and the attendance has always been on the increase.  Meet alternately with the Methodist Episcopal School.  William Dinsmore, Superintendent.

    German Baptist Church - In the first years of the century, Elder Jacob Miller crossed the waters of the Atlantic, and, coming to Ohio, settled on the west bank of the Great Miami River, about four miles southwest of Dayton.  Later on came settlers from Pennsylvania and Virginia, and took possession of various Sections in Miami, Montgomery, Clarke, and Greene Counties.  From these pioneers have sprung the many German Baptist Associations which predominate in the counties just mentioned.  The first members of this denomination settled in 1854, on the O. Y. Yount farm, now occupied by Abram Neer.  The organization branched off from the Donnell's Creek Church (six miles east of New Carlisle), the present district comprising Bethel Township, of this county.  Wayne Township, Montgomery County, and portions of Clarke and Greene Counties.  The church consisted of about a hundred members and the following ministers: Henry Rubsame, Adam Steinbarger and David Shellabarger. There are now about 120 members, Joseph Arnold and Henry Gumpis, ministers - the former since 18656.

    In God's first temples - the primitive forests - was organized the first German Reformed Society, by Rev. David Winters.  We are indebted to N. H. Albaugh, Esq., for the following history of this church.

    The Bethel Reformed Church, situated about two miles east of Tadmor, and near the Montgomery County line, on the old Troy & Dayton Pike, is among the oldest in the county.  The church cemetery may also be mentioned as one of the oldest in the county.

    The cemetery was bought in 1812.  Samuel Dye was the first person buried therein.  The oldest tombstone now to be found, is dated 1818. The first church building, a one story, brick structure, was built in 1826.  Rev. David Winters was the first regular minister of the organization.  He preached statedly under the spreading forest trees near by, until the first building was erected, and continued serving the congregation for many years.

    In 1834, by means of a very liberal donation, left at his death by a Mr. Palmer, living in the northeastern part of Bethel Twp, the first building was reconstructed, and made into a two-story structure, with the upper story used as a gallery to the lower story.  This remained in that condition until 1856, when it was torn down, and the present building erected nearer the highway.  After Rev D. Winters, followed Rev. John Pence, and in 1844, Rev Thomas H. Winters: in 1845, Rev. H. Shaull was called to fill the pulpit.  He was succeeded in 1846, by Rev Jesse Steiner, who filled the place with great satisfaction until 1851, when he was succeeded by Rev. A. G. Dole, who remained but one year, and was followed by Rev. H. Bains, in 1852.  George W. Williard, D. D. was appointed in 1860, who was succeeded by Rev. J. B. Shumaker, in 1866; by Rev. J. H. Thompson, in 1869, and by Rev. J. M. Lefevre, in 1870.  The latter gentleman served very acceptably for ten years, and was followed in April, 1880, by the present Pastor, Rev. J. T. Hale.

    This being the first church in all the surrounding country, it has always been a good membership. By 1840, it enrolled a hundred or more members of first class and leading citizens of the township and surrounding country, and has kept up its membership to about the same number, and from prominent members of the community.  The churchyard adjoining is probably the best kept up of any country cemetery in the county.


    The many incidents, as well as the many difficulties that surrounded the establishment of early schools, are mentioned at some length ill the history of the county, and a repetition is unnecessary. We will, therefore, locate at once the early schools of this township: On the Rudy farm, Section -, was erected the first schoolhouse, in 1802. In 1804, a rude log house was erected on Section 23 ; the first school was taught by one Keelan. Many of the early teachers received a monthly salary of $5 in addition to their board These schools were conducted on the subscription plan. In 1830, the township was divided into six school districts. At present there are nine districts, each one containing a substantial brick schoolhouse; four of these are graded, and contain two rooms each. Several years ago, the question of establishing a central high school for this township was violently agitated by the supporters and enemies of the system. The Trustees finally appointed a day on which the people could vote their sentiments as regarded this question. It was hoped that the measure could be carried; but, on the contrary, the friends of the system met with overwhelming defeat. Educationally, Bethel stands without a peer among the rural townships of the county. Over seventy five teachers have received their education within her boundaries. From an independent standpoint, a central high school seems to be a public necessity, and we believe that the day of its establishment is not far distant. Under a recent law, townships are empowered to employ acting managers, now called superintendents, who have a general supervision of all the schools. This township has taken advantage of the provisions of this act. In 1866, N. H. Albaugh was appointed Superintendent; in 1874, Hiram Brown was appointed to assist him. In 1876, Hiram Brown was appointed Superintendent and S. R. Fergus Assistant, who are the present incumbents. To, the gentlemen just mentioned, and to Mr. Samuel Dinsmore, who has been a member of the School Board of his district for twenty years, are due the thanks of the people for the excellent condition of the Bethel Township schools.


    Some years ago, at a fire at West Charleston, were destroyed the early records of the township,; consequently, we are unable to publish the list of township officials prior to 1858. Following is a complete list since that time: 1858-James S. Stafford, John Sullivan, J. C. McConnaughey: Trustees; 1. J. Stockstill, Clerk; Jacob Shroyer, Treasurer; James S. Stafford, Assessor. 1859-J. C. McConnaughey, H. H. Dean, A. J. Allen, Trustees; J. C. Mitchell, Clerk; Jacob Shroyer, Treasurer; James S. Stafford, Assessor.

    1860-H. H. Dean, J. C. McConnaughey, A. J. Allen, Trustees; J. C. Mitchell, Clerk; Jacob Shroyer, Treasurer; James S. Stafford. Assessor.

    1861-H. H. Dean, A. J. Allen, John Sullivan, Trustees; Charles Fry, Clerk; Jacob Shroyer, Treasurer; John Wigam, Assessor.

    1862-John Sullivan, Daniel Waltz, Joseph Heffner, Trustees; Charles Fry, Clerk; Jacob Shroyer, Treasurer: W. T. Morris, Assessor.

    1863-John Sullivan, Daniel Waltz, H. A. Allen, Trustees; W. T. Morris, Clerk; Jacob Shroyer, Treasurer; Solomon Rudy, Assessor.

    1864-A. J. Allen, John Sullivan, Daniel Waltz, Trustees; W. T. Morris, Clerk; Jacob Shroyer, Treasurer; Solomon Rudy, Assessor.

    1865-S010mon Rudy, Simon Staley, George W. Kessler, Trustees; W. T.Morris, Clerk; Jacob Shroyer, Treasurer; Solomon Rudy, Assessor. 1866-Daniel French, Daniel Agenbrood, Peter Arnold, Trustees; W. T. Morris, Clerk; Jacob Shroyer, Treasurer; J. J. Hempleman, Assessor.

    1867-(No record).

    1868-Peter Arnold, Simon Staley, Sol Rudy, Trustees; W. T. Morris, Clerk; Jacob Shroyer, Treasurer; J. J. Hempleman, Assessor.·

    1869-S01 Rudy, Simon Staley, Abram Varner, Trustees; J. M. C. Dean, Clerk; Charles Senseman, Treasurer; J. J. Hempleman, Assessor.

    1870-S01 Rudy, A. J. Allen, Daniel French, Trustees; Hiram Brown, Clerk; CJarles Senseman, Treasurer; J. J. Hempleman, Assessor.

    187]-Sol Rudy, A. J. Allen, Jacob Shroyer, Trustees; Hiram Brown, Clerk; William Senseman, Treasurer; Jacob Hawn, Assessor.

    1872-Jacob Shroyer, H. J. Allen, B. P. Bond, Tl1lstees; Hiram Brown, Clerk, William Senseman, Treasnrer; John Black, Assessor.

    1873-Jacob Shroyer, A. E. Helmer, B..P. Bond, Trustees; Hiram Brown, Clerk; William Senseman, Treasurer; J. C. Mitchell, Assessor .

    1874-Jacob Shroyer, Ed Heffner, B. P. Bond, Trustees; Hiram Brown, Clerk; William Senseman, Treasurer; John Singer, Assessor.

    1875-Jacob Shroyer, Ed HefIner, M. L. Allen, Trustees; Hiram Brown, Clerk; Wm. Senseman, Treasurer; John Singer, Assessor.

    1876-J acob Shroyer, J. C. McConnaughey, Dan Sullivan, Trustees; Hiram Brown, Clerk; John Black, Treasurer; John Singer, Assessor.

    1877-Jacob Shroyer, Jacob Hawn, J. C. McConnaughey, Trustees; Hiram Brown, Clerk; John Black, Treasurer; Isaac Agenbrood, Assessor. 1878-Jacob:Shroyer, Jacob Hawn, J. C. McConnaughey, Trustees; Hiram Brown, Clerk; John Black, Treasurer; I. Agenbrood, Assessor.

    1879-Jacob Shroyer, Jacob Hawn, John Weaver, Trustees; Hiram Brown, Clerk; John Black, Treasurer; John Singer, Assessor.

    1880 - John Shroyer, Jacob Hawn, John Weaver, Trustees; Hiram Brown, Clerk; John Black, Treasurer; John Singer, Assessor. .

    Justices of the Peace since 1850: Thomas Anderson, James S. Stafford, P. H. Humes, J. M. C. Dean, J. C. Mitchell, G. W. Blessinger, Hiram Brown and N. H. Albaugh, the last two are the present incumbents.

    Politically, the township is Democratic by a good majority on State and national questions. At the township elections, the best men of either party are elected.


    Poplar Grove Grange, No. 137, the only secret organization in the township, was organized September, 1873. B. P. Bond was appointed Master; N. H. Albaugh, Secretary. In December of the same year, N. H. Albaugh was elected Master; S. R. Fergus, Secretary. In the year 1875, the Grange erected an ample two-story building, 26.x52. The hall and ante-chambers are well carpeted, the walls adorned with pictures; an excellent organ furnishes the music. This society is probably the most prosperous in the county. We append the present officers: N. H. Albaugh, Master; B. P. Bond, Overseer; R. G. Dinsmore, Lecturer; E. I. Bond, Steward; George Gessaman, Chaplain; J. A. Dinsmore, Assistant Steward; D. P. Orim, Treasurer; 1. A. Shaffer, Secretary; J. L. Wolf, Gate Keeper.


    The first matrimonial alliances were contracted in 1800. On this occasion, Mary Sailor and her sister Rachel were joined in holy wedlock to Joseph Stafford and David Morris, Jr., respectively. The village newspaper was then an institution utterly unknown, and therefore we are unable to give any accurate account of the affair, nor are we able to tell how the brides were dressed. We will venture the assertion, however, that silks, satins, laces and that indispensable article, the " Bloom of Youth" were not in the make-up.

    The first orchard was planted by Jacob Price. It is not now remembered who was the first person born in the township. J. L. Stockstill, who resides in the northeastern corner of the township, is perhaps the oldest man now living who was born here.

    On Tuesday, March 18, 1879, a deplorable accident occurred in this township.

    Jesse Albaugh, son of N. H. Albaugh, was hauling a load of fruit-trees from the Albaugh nurseries to Tadmor. While going down the hill, the rub-lock of the wagon was broken, and the horses became unmanageable. Young Albaugh was thrown to the ground and dragged some distance. When assistance arrived, life had fled, his neck having been broken.